Sunday, May 5, 2013

Day 5: Love fest

Day 5 of the Blog Every Day in May Challenge: Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your blogger friends. Why do you love them?  If you don't have blogger friends, talk about a real life friend of even a family member.

I don't think that I have any blogger friends that are friends in real life.  I have a handful of bloggers that  are my favorite and I look forward to their new posts and sometimes even stalk there pages for a chance  at new content.  Thankfully, I do have a lot of real life friends! However, in keeping with the spirit of the challenge, I will publicly profess my love and devotion for Sara over at Running from the Law.  After all, if it wasn't for her, I would have never found this challenge!  I can't even remember how I stumbled across her blog but I'm so thankful that I did.  I'm guessing that it had something to do photography but I stayed because it was so much more than that.  When you read her posts, you feel like you are reading an email from your BFF.  It got really fun to read her blog as we were pregnant at the same time and I was obsessed with reading other pregnant women's blogs my entire pregnancy.  I related to all the woes and anticipation that she blogged about up until the day she had her baby.  Her blog has turned to focus mostly on her trials and triumphs of motherhood and I couldn't love it more! One of my favorite topics is the "New Mommy Confessions" that she has hosted.  Check them out - great stuff.  Along the way, Sara has also opened up about her struggles with infertility.  So many women or couples for that matter suffer in silence when it comes to infertility.  I did for a long time.  I always applaud those who stand tall and scream from the rooftops about their reality.  I appreciate and admire her honesty.  Also, I can relate to that utter glee that she felt when she held her baby for the first time.  I'll never forget that moment in my own life.  So, there ya have it - love fest for Sara over at Running from the Law.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOODNESS!!! I just came across this and now I'm bawling! You are too sweet! Thank you so much for such generous kind words. You just made my whole day! Of course we can be bloggy BFFs! Thank you so so much for this, really. :) Love.
