Thursday, May 2, 2013

Blog Every Day in May: Day 2

Day 2, Thursday: Educate us on something you know alot about or are good at.

I don’t know what to write about...
I could go deep and blog about my professional expertise with suicide
I could go shallow and blog about NKOTB or Reality TV
I could go sappy and blog about mommy stuff
I could go personal and blog about IVF/Fertility
I could go crafty and blog about making baby blocks & nursery banners

Some of the consistent feedback that I get from people when they look at my photos is that they love how I capture "moments."   When I look back at the photos taken at my wedding, most of my favorites were the ones that captured "moments."  The moment that my bridesmaids saw me in my dress for the first time...the moment when I reached Brad at the altar...the moment when our first kiss went a little longer than necessary...the moment when the confetti cannon went off over Brad and I as we walked into the reception...the moment that I threw my head back and laughed during our first dance...and the moment my sister put her arms around my mom and watched my dad & I dance.  When I decided to take on photography as a hobby and a side business, I knew that this would be my "style"  and I can say with confidence that I'm good at it.  I'm good at capturing the moments in life that you want to remember or at the very least the ones that depict reality. So, how do you this?
Bring your camera with you whenever you can
Take photos everyday
Take photos when no one is looking
Take photos when your subjects are getting ready to pose
Get on the floor...stand on something...change your perspective
Look for inspiration from other photographers
Here are a couple examples of photos where I captured "moments"

Best moment of my life that will ever be captured in a photo - thanks to my husband

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post and fantastic photos! I'm always looking for the "moments" too. Your photos are just priceless.
