Friday, May 31, 2013

Day 31: Memories...

Day 31 of the Blog Every Day in May Challenge: A Vivid Memory

Since I was a kid, I was told that I had a great memory.  My parents or other adults would tell me that they were impressed by how much I remembered and the detail.  When I'm not suffering from a bout of Mommy Brain these days, my memory is still pretty good.  I sometimes surprise myself with what I remember - a small detail, the clothes that some one was wearing, or even a certain smell.  This weekend kicks off my little sister Laura's birthday week so I thought I would pay omage to her with recounting one of my first memories of her.  And yes, we celebrate birthdays for a whole week in my family.  I plan on continuing this with Eloise too!

Laura Michelle Clark was born on June 3, 1985 at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, IL.  I'm not sure how much I knew what it meant that parents were having a baby or how much it was going to affect me.  When my parents called to tell me the good news that I had a little sister, I said, "Okay" and promptly hung up the phone.  I guess it didn't take me long to figure out that things were going to be different.  When we were at the hospital, I remember seeing her and still not really getting it.  When they changed her diaper for the first time in front of me, I told my parents to leave her at the hospital because she was dirty.  Sorry Lo Lo! During one of the first days at home, while my mom was changing her diaper, I remember seeing her belly button and thinking that was gross too.  Again, sorry Lo Lo.  I have no idea why these few memories are so vivid in my mind 28 years later, but they are. 

28 years later, that little sister that I wasn't too sure about has become one of my best friends.  Our relationship has evolved through the years.  We started off as competitors, competing for the attention of our parents.  We quickly became playmates - having tea parties, playing dress up, riding bikes, playing Doctor/Veternarian, playing with friends and swimming until we were completely water logged.  At some point, that little sister decided that she was "too cool" for her big sister and we went our separate ways for a while.  All it took was a broken heart in high school for that little sister to change her tune and become my protector.  All the years of wanting her to like me paid off and we were friends again.  We started to share secrets again, vent our about parents, develop inside jokes, and act as sisters should.  Our relationship only grew stronger after I graduated high school.  Through the years, we have nutured our friendship and strengthened our bond as sisters.  When I was away at college, that little sister told me she missed me.  When I graduated from Graduate school, that little sister told me she was proud of me.  When I got married, that little sister made sure that everything was perfect.  When I was struggling with trying to get pregnant, that little sister wiped my tears.  When I was pregnant, that little sister showered me with love and thoughtful gifts for her niece on the way.  When I had Eloise, that little sister redefined what it meant to be a good aunt.  When I questioned if I'm doing everything right as a new mother, that little sister told me that my baby was perfect.

Here's to all the memories of past, present, and future...Happy Birthday to the BEST little sister that anyone could ask for! 

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