Monday, August 13, 2012

What I will miss about being pregnant

These last few weeks of pregnancy are ROUGH.  Physically, I'm over it.  Emotionally, I'm ready for the next step.  As I look back on the last 9.5 months, there are some things that I will definitely miss about  being pregnant...

1. VIP treatment.  People in general are nicer to you once they know you are pregnant and even nicer once you start to look pregnant.  In some ways, it is a little bit disturbing that we all aren't just nicer for no reason.  I can't tell you how many times, people have let me go next in line when it wasn't my turn or offered to carry something as if I had no arms.  My dry cleaner started carrying everything out to my car last week even with a line of customers behind me - unexpected and sweet. 

2. Maternity clothes.  Let's be real, that lycra panel that makes any maternity bottom a maternity bottom is fabulous.  No more "sucking it in" or struggling to button your jeans.  I told Brad a while back that I hadn't "buttoned or zipped a pant in months" as an excuse for something random - haha.  I'm a total shopaholic and loved shopping for all things maternity clothes.  I'm pretty sure I own most of Motherhood Maternity's Spring & Summer 2012 line.  

3. Baby movement. One of the best parts of being pregnant is feeling the baby move.  The fact no one else could feel her move the same way that I could has always made it more special.  There have been times where I was sitting in a meeting or driving in the car and would feel the baby move, it's like your own little secret.  More importantly, feeling the baby move is the most reassuring feeling that everything is ok.  Even as I sit here now typing this, getting kicked at 38.5 weeks pregnant still makes me smile and feel at ease.

4. Food-palooza.  
Would you like to look at the dessert menu? Yes.  
Would you like whip cream on that? Yes.  
Would you like one more piece? Yes.  
Do you need a box? No, I'm still working.
Can I get you a cocktail? No, but I do know what we would like for an appetizer.
How is that pizza tasting folks? Great - can I get a side of ranch dressing?
1 or 2 scoops? 2 scoops. 
What size? Large.

5.  The Nesting & Efficiency.  For lack of better phrase, "I get sh*t done!"  My To Do lists have never been longer or more all over the place but they leave me feeling accomplished and prepared when everything is crossed off.  Oh joy, when I get to create a new list!  Poor Brad has never had so many requests to "help out, real quick," "come here, real quick," "read this, real quick," or "move/reach this, real quick."  Over the past few weeks, the nesting has gone to another level.  My bathroom vanity is organized like no other - not one unnecessary or expired item left!  The baby's dresser & closet is stocked with clothes and organized by size.  My hospital bag is packed with a last minute checklist near by.  I stocked up on personal items so that I won't have to stress out when I run out of my favorite brand of hair product or face cream while caring for a new baby.  The real doozy - I created a database with the mailing addresses for the birth announcements & made sure that all the addresses are current.  See, I get sh*t done. 

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