Friday, October 24, 2014

5 on Friday

5 on Friday is back!! 
I participated in #OneDayHH on Wednesday to document all the mundane things in my day to day life that most of time do not get photographed.  It was alot of fun.



This past Sunday, I did a family photo shoot as part of my mother-in-law's birthday celebration.  We did this last year and figured it was time to update our photo.  Thanks to my trusty tripod and remote, we were able to get a good shot.  The best part of this photo is Eloise holding on to Papa Mike's ear.  I've looked at this photo 100 times this week and that one little detail makes me laugh every time. 

Iced Pumpkin Mocha Latte from Dunkin Donuts. 
No real explanation needed.  It is delicious.  I'm not a coffee person so I need a lot of "jazz" in my coffee to enjoy it. 

These booties.

The Goldbergs on ABC.  We didn't get into this show until this summer while it was on reruns but it is hilarious.  Check it out! 

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