Friday, August 2, 2013

5 on Friday

"Working out as a working mom is like a unicorn. It's a myth. It doesn't exist." - Sarah Thakur
THIS is why we are best friends.

Fall clothes for Eloise
Fall is my favorite clothes season, hands down.  I can't wait to dress Eloise in skinny jeans, cardigans, jean jackets, and hoodies!  I may even have to buy us matching outfits.  Carters had a great sale last week and I was able to stock up on some fall essentials.  Here are a few of the outfits that I got.

Frozen Waffles
My poor baby is getting her 1 year molars or at least that's what we think.  In lieu of her sticking her fingers deep in her mouth to chew, we have been giving her frozen waffles along with her dinner.  It seems to be helping and I'm grateful for all the fellow moms who recommended this!

Guided Access on my iPhone.
Before you want to judge us for letting our 11 month old daughter play with our phones, just try and keep a child calm while their bottle is warming or you are trying to give them antibiotics by syringe.  I read on another blog about the Guided Access option on the iPhone and instantly set up.  Nothing is more frustrating when your child deletes an app, email or photo from your phone because they are clicking and swiping away.  Here is how to set it up:
1. Settings>General>Accessibility>Turn on Guidded Access
2. Set a passcode
3. Open an app that you want to tun
4. Triple click the Home Button to start.  You will be prompted to turn it on. 
5. When you are done, triple click to turn it off.
Boom!  No more baby finger deleting disasters!


...still obsessing over NKOTB

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