66 - Number of days until my due date
50+ - Number of times I've made my husband eat Macaroni & Cheese or Little Caesar's $5 Hot & Ready pizza for dinner
3 - Number of times that I look at our registry throughout the week to see what is left
12 - Number of hours I spend on Pinterest every week looking for things I must have for this baby or photos I must take of her once she is here.
3 - Number of times I get up to pee in each night
75 - Number of poptarts I've eaten
3 - Number of gallons of lemonade or ginger ale that I drink per week
25 - Number of times a day I go into Baby Girl's room and just look around and smile
43 - Number of times that I have looked at photos I have taken of the nursery and wonder if they capture how awesome it is and are good enough to post on the blog
15 - Number of times each week I change my mind about how I want something organized in the nursery, dresser, or closet
15 - Number of times each week I move stuff back to the original place that I had it in the nursery, dresser, or closet
7 - Number of times each week that peanut butter is included with my breakfast
5 - Number of times a day I stare at my belly and will her to move
3 - Number of times a day that I find Piper sleeping in the nursery
4 - Number of baby items still in boxes to be put together before she gets here
2 - Number of times each week that I convince myself I need one more new maternity top/dress
6 - Number of times that I have tried on the same maternity dress from Target, hate the way it looks on, and ultimately not buy it
2 - Number of times the baby has gotten the hiccups
6 - Number of times I've cried for basically no reason at all (i.e. - commercials, birth stories at childbirth class, loss of an earring back, a squirrel trying cross a busy street)
6 - Number of times I've cried for basically no reason at all (i.e. - commercials, birth stories at childbirth class, loss of an earring back, a squirrel trying cross a busy street)
1,000,000 - Number of times a day I thank God for this little miracle
Love this post! Nothing like setting up a nursery and just sitting in there in eager anticipation!